Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico
Books Authored
2003 Nelson, S. The Extinction of Sivapithecus: Faunal and Environmental Changes Surrounding the Disappearance of a Miocene Hominoid in the Siwaliks of Pakistan. American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph 1. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
Articles in Refereed Journals
2016 Nelson, S. and L. Rook. Isotopic reconstructions of habitat change surrounding the
extinction of Oreopithecus, the last European ape. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
2014 Nelson, S. The Paleoecology of early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus blacki inferred
from stable isotopic analyses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
2013 Nelson, S. Chimpanzee fauna isotopes provide new interpretations of fossil
ape and hominin ecologies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20132324.
2011 Bernor,R., T. Kaiser, S. Nelson, and L. Rook. Systematics and paleobiology of Hippotherium malpassii n. sp. (Equidae, Mammalia) from the latest Miocene of Baccinello V3
(Tuscany, Italy). Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 50:175-208.
2010 Wolf, D. S. Nelson, H. Schwartz, G. Semprebon, T. Kaiser, and R. Bernor. Taxonomy and paleoecology of the Pleistocene Equidae from Makuyuni, Northern Tanzania. Palaeodiversity 3: 249-269.
2010 Kaiser, T., C. Seiffert, C. Hertler, L. Fielder, H. Schwartz, S. Frost, L. Giemsch, R. Bernor, D. Wolf, G. Semprebon, S. Nelson, F. Schrenk, K. Harvati, T. Bromage, and C. Sanaane. Makuyuni, a new Lower Paleolithic hominid site in Tanzania. Mitteilungen Hamburgisches Zoologisches Musuem und Institut 106: 69-110.
2010 Nelson, S. The cooking hypothesis revisited: fresh food for thought. Evolutionary Psychology 8: 340-342.
2009 Morgan, M, A. Behrensmeyer, C. Badgley, J. Barry, S. Nelson, D. Pilbeam.
Lateral trends in carbon isotope ratios reveal a Miocene vegetation gradient in the Siwaliks of Pakistan. Geology 37: 103-106.
2008 Badgley, C., J. Barry, M. Morgan, S. Nelson, A. Behrensmeyer, T. Cerling, and
D. Pilbeam. Ecological changes in Miocene mammalian record show impact of prolonged climatic forcing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 12145-12149.
2007 Nelson, S. Isotopic reconstructions of habitat change surrounding the extinction of Sivapithecus, a Miocene hominoid, in the Siwalik Group of Pakistan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 243: 204-222.
2005 Nelson, S. Paleoseasonality inferred from equid teeth and intra-tooth isotopic variability. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 222: 122-144.
2005 Nelson, S., C. Badgley, and E. Zakem. Microwear in modern squirrels in relation to diet. Paleontologica Electronica vol 8, issue 1, 14A, 15p.
Articles in Edited Volumes
2005 Nelson, S. Habitat requirements and the extinction of the Miocene ape, Sivapithecus. In Interpreting the Past: Essays on Human, Primate and Mammal Evolution in Honor of David Pilbeam. American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
2005 Badgley, C., S. Nelson, J. Barry, A. Behrensmeyer, and T. Cerling. Testing models of faunal turnover with Neogene mammals from Pakistan. In Interpreting the Past: Essays on Human, Primate and Mammal Evolution in Honor of David Pilbeam. American School of Prehistoric Research Monograph. Boston: Brill Academic Press.
2004 Bernor, R., T. Kaiser, and S. Nelson. The oldest Ethiopian Hipparion (Equinae, Perissodactyla) from Chorora: systematics, paleodiet, and paleoclimate. Senckenberg Courier Special Volume 246: 213-226.